In the halls of power, the Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy, a project of Family Friendly Action Fund, builds grassroots support for solutions that would transform the lives of American families, like paid family and medical leave, lower cost prescription drugs and affordable elder and childcare. At the ballot box, the Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy PAC helps elect candidates who fight for working families and who support policies including paid leave, affordable child care, earned sick days, and livable wages. Today, we have active campaigns led by our state teams in New Hampshire, Virginia, Wisconsin, Arizona and Pennsylvania.
Winning Campaigns
The Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy PAC communicates with working families about the economic issues that matter most in their lives. We know the challenges families face on a daily basis, like finding quality, affordable childcare and balancing the needs of work and family are both incredibly personal and motivating to voters during elections.
In 2020, the Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy PAC ran a $30 million effort that persuaded and turned out voters by communicating about these economic issues, successfully electing candidates who will work to pass family friendly policies at the national level. This program spanned Wisconsin, Michigan, Maine, Iowa, Montana, Virginia, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Georgia and used robust field, mail and digital investments to make nearly 16 million voter contact attempts.
Advancing Issues
The Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy works on the federal and state levels to advance policies that transform lives for American families. After elections, we seek to ensure that the promises candidates make are fulfilled. In 2021, we built support for the American Rescue Plan, which included transformational investments for families, such as the expanded Child Tax Credit by knocking on doors, calling voters and holding events in communities.